crochet ball made with invisible decreases

My Increasing Knowledge Of Crochet Decreases

There are a few decrease stitches used in making amigurumi. The first time I used decreases in a crochet project, I used sc2tog. Then I read that an invisible decrease tends to look better. Unfortunately, I got confused reading the instructions and assumed it meant sc2tog in the front loops.

Turns out that’s not right, and an invisible decrease is even less visible than what I have been doing!

I’m going to explain the difference between sc2tog and invisible decrease, so you can learn from my mistakes!

Single crochet 2 together sc2tog has you pull up a loop of yarn in the next stitch and pull up a loop of yarn in the stitch after that. Then you yarn over and pull through all 3 loops.

The invisible decrease has you insert your hook into the front loop of the next stitch, then insert your hook through the front loop of the stitch after, then pull up one loop of yarn through both stitches at once. Then you yarn over and pull through both loops.

What I had been doing looks slightly less holey than sc2tog, but not as good as a true invisible decrease. The line of decreases is, well, visible.

crochet ball made with sc2tog decreases
crochet ball made with sc2tog front loop decreases
sc2tog through front loops
crochet ball made with invisible decreases
invisible decreases

I guess that’s what I get for just reading descriptions and looking at diagrams. It can be very helpful to watch a video or two when learning a new technique. 

Hopefully you can avoid the same mistake I made. Happy crocheting!