two half-shields

Making a Crochet Pill Part 1 (Shield-Shaped, for Epilepsy and Bipolar)

I’ve seen a lot of cute crocheted amigurumi pills shared for Mental Health Awareness Month recently. Lamictal (generic name lamotrigine) is prescribed for epilepsy and bipolar, and has a very fun shield shape! The only craft or art I could find in the shield pill shape was a necklace charm.

After a quick image search, I tried starting at the bottom (narrow end) and working my way to the top. I ended up with a blobby leaf shape, so I tried again, with similarly poor results. 

I searched for more images of Lamictal, and realized that the pills have a line right down the center. A line of symmetry! (Thanks, math!) By making the two halves separately, I was able to make the angle on one side more steep than the other side.

But I still had a problem. The sides of the shield aren’t as parallel as I first thought. I noticed that the sides come up at a bit of an angle. I tried doing short rows like I might in a knitted project, but the result was just clunky. Eventually I realized that I could do hdc at one side and sc at the other side. Finally it looked like half a pill!


I’m not done yet, since I want to stuff the pill. I’ll have to make several more of the half-shield shape. I already tried making a smaller version, and I think it will work out well!

Lamictal is prescribed mainly for epilepsy and bipolar disorder, so I think it might be a cute addition to have a smile on one side and a frown on the other. 

two sizes of half-shield shape

Stay tuned for the finished pattern soon!